Grow yourself and your community.

Your contribution to the community is powerful. Browse the volunteering opportunities below and join an organisation dedicated to social change.

Get involved

Volunteer with Uniting.

Find a meaningful role today. While you grow your community, we’ll be helping you grow your skills, knowledge and network. Volunteer opportunities span over 100 programs so you can choose where you give back, and make a real difference in your community.

The support available to me as a Uniting volunteer far exceeds my expectations, and everyone in the workplace is ready to offer their help when needed. I never feel lost at all.

Why join us

We’ve been working in the community for over 100 years, inspiring people, enlivening communities and confronting injustice. We provide mentoring, training and orientation to ensure you can fulfil your goals, feel supported, and get the most out of your volunteering experience.

What we offer you:

Applying to volunteer at Uniting is easy

Search for a role

You will need to create a personal account which can be updated at any time, and will also help you keep track of the role you applied for.

Apply for a role

Our team in your local area will help you complete the application process. As health and safety is important across Uniting, all our employees and volunteers have rolespecific background checks that we cover the cost of.


All up, the application process takes around 23 weeks. We encourage you to apply now, and we hope you can soon join the thousands of volunteers who are already part of the Uniting team.

Get started

After an in-depth induction and role-specific training, you’ll be ready to start making a difference. Welcome to the team.

The national cost-of-living crisis and housing emergency has seen many Tasmanians plunged into a state of desperation as they worry how they will keep their pantries stocked and afford to keep a roof over their heads.

Even if you can only volunteer for a few hours, it will still impact your whole life and perspective.